BIẾN TẦN MICNO Vào 1 pha 220V ra 1 pha 220V công suất 2,2Kw-3Hp

Or you want a quick look:

– Vào 1 pha 220V ra 1 pha 220V (Single phase Input & Output)

– Công suất: 0,4Kw – 5,5Kw

ỨNG DỤNG: Đáp ứng tất cả các giải pháp tối ưu yêu cầu của bạn đối với Motor động cơ điện 1 pha 220V như: Bơm nước, quạt gió,băng tải,……


Bước 1- Ngắt kết nối tụ điện ra khỏi motor.

Bước 2- Sau đó motor động cơ điện hiện trạng như sau:

Bước 3- Kết nối nguồn đầu vào biến tần và đầu ra biến tần với motor động cơ điện 1 pha như sau:

Chú ý: Đầu ra biến tần buộc đấu đúng pha V kết nối với điểm trung tính như sơ đồ trên và thông số cài đặt theo biến tần KE300




Input voltage

1AC 220V±15%3AC 220V±15%3AC 380V±15%3AC 660V±15%

Input frequency



Output voltage

0~Rated voltage

Output frequency

V/f contol:0~3000Hz SVC:0~300Hz



Control mode

V/f , SVC, Torque control

Operation command mode

Keypad control, Terminal control, Serial communication control

Frequency setting mode

Digital setting, analog setting, pulse frequency setting, serial communication setting, multi-step speed setting & simple PLC, PID setting, etc. These frequency settings can be combinated & switched in various modes.

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Overload capacity

G model: 150% 60s, 180% 10s, 200% 3s

P model: 120% 60s, 150% 10s, 180% 3s

Starting torque

0.5Hz/150% (SVC),1Hz/150% (V/f)

Speed adjustment range

1:100 (SVC),1:50(V/f)

Speed control precision


Carrier frequency

1.0-16.0kHz, automatically adjusted according to temperature and load characteristics

Frequency accuracy

Digital setting: 0.01Hz

Analog setting: maximum frequency ×0.05%

Torque boost

Automatically torque boost; manually torque boost : 0.1%~30.0%

V/f curve

Three types: straight line, multiple point and square type(1.2 power, 1.4 power, 1.6 power, 1.8 power, square)

ACC/DEC mode

Linear/S curve; four kinds of acceleration/deceleration time, range: 0.1s~3600.0s

DC braking

DC braking when starting and stopping

DC braking frequency: 0.0Hz~maximum frequency, braking time: 0.0s~100.0s

Jog operation

Jog operation frequency: 0.0Hz~maximum frequency

Jog acceleration/deceleration time: 0.1s~3600.0s

Simple PLC & multi-step speed operation

Max. 16 steps speed running via built-in PLC or control termina

Built-in dual PID

Built-in PID control to easily realize the close loop control of the process parameters (such as pressure, temperature, flow, etc.)

Automatic voltage regulation

Keep output voltage constant automatically when input voltage fluctuating

Control Function

Common DC bus

Common DC bus for several inverters, energy balanced automatically

Torque control

Torque control without PG

Torque limit

Rooter” feature: limit torque automatically and prevent frequent over-current tripping when running

Wobble frequency control

Multiple triangular-wave frequency control, special for spinning

Timing/length/counting control

Timing/length/counting control function

Over-voltage & over currentstall control

Limit current & voltage automatically when running, prevent frequent over-current & over-voltage tripping

Fault protection function

Up to 30 fault protections including over-current, over-voltage, under-voltage, overheating, default phase, overload, shortcut, etc., can record the detailed running status during failure and has fault automatic reset function

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Input terminals

Programmable DI: 7 on-off inputs,

1 high-speed pulse input

2 programmable AI:

AI1: voltage -10~10V

A12: voltage 0~10V or current 0/4~20mA

Output terminals

1 programmable open collector output: 1 analog output (open collector output or high-speed pulse output)

2 relay outputs

2 analog output: 0/4~20mA or 0~10V

Communication terminal

Offer RS485 communication interface, support MODBUS-RTU communication protocol

Human &Machine


LED display

Display frequency setting, output frequency, output voltage, output current, etc.

Multifunction key

QUICK/JOG key, can be used as multifunction key

Powerful host software

Support upload, download and real time display between inverter and PC

Enviorment Limit

Ambient temperature

-10℃~40℃, derated 4% when the temperature rise by each1℃ (40℃~50 ℃).


90%RH or less (non-condensing)


≤1000M: output rated power, >1000M: output derated

Storage temperature


Storage atmosphere

Indoor, without direct sunlight, dust, corrosive gas, combustible gas, oil smoke, vapor, drip, salt, vibration, etc.


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Link: – MICNO KE300-MR-V3.01-E-Manual (Hướng Dẫn Cài Đặt)

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